Recognize Excellence in Ohio's Water Industry

Each year, OAWWA honors individuals and organizations making exceptional contributions to Ohio’s water sector. From outstanding operators and engineers to dedicated volunteers and innovative programs, our awards celebrate those who go above and beyond in advancing safe, sustainable water solutions.

Submit your nominations by April 15, 2025 to help us acknowledge the leaders and changemakers in our industry.

Explore award categories and criteria below.

Past Award Winners

John Lechner Award of Excellence

The John Lechner Award of Excellence is an individual award of excellence to recognize a Section Service Provider Member who has demonstrated exemplary service to the drinking water community and to the Ohio Section’s Mission and goals.

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John Sadzewicz Award

This award commemorates John J. Sadzewicz for his outstanding contributions to safe public health practices, encouraging the use of proven new technologies and promoting sound operational approaches in meeting regulatory requirements and ensuring safe, potable drinking water for the citizens of Ohio.

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Keith Hunsberger Outstanding Customer Service Award

The Hunsberger award gives recognition to current customer service leaders in the drinking water community, including utility billing and collection, receivables management, call center operation, meter reading and service, customer service, and management/team leadership.

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Richard Melick Award for Education

The Richard F. Melick Award is given to those who distinguish themselves by giving unselfishly to the field of operator training and technical education through the Ohio EPA, Operator Training Committee of Ohio, Inc., and/or the American Water Works Association.

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Operator Meritorious –Water Distribution Service

This award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated consistent and outstanding contributions to distribution operations and maintenance, installation of new equipment, and training of water distribution personnel.

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Operator Meritorious –Water Treatment Service

This award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated consistent and outstanding contributions to treatment operations and maintenance, installation of new equipment, and training of water treatment personnel.

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